The Boss & Joey: 82
The Boss's Son & Paul: 75
Par: 62
All right, technically, the course was the real winner on the day. But seven strokes was a pretty dominating performance, and we never scored below a legitimate 6 on any hole, and I actually hit some nice balls. I think my stroke is really coming around:
That ball ended up far on the right, but I think I look pretty good doing it. And I think the important lesson--at least in my family--is that it's okay to do something well, but it's great if you're able to look good while you're doing it.
It was a good day, and fun to spend with my brothers before Joey returns to Flagstaff to rush through his homework from Spring Break. It was a little chilly when we left, but it got hot around the middle of the day, and I was the only one who brought any sunscreen. That didn't spare the backs of my calves or the crooks of my elbows, though. Oh, and my chest, which had a pretty fantastic little "V" on it for the family portraits we were taking with my mom that evening.
Someone that didn't fare as well was The Boss, who was frustrated most of the afternoon

It's fair to say that a good time was had by all. It's more accurate to say that a good time was had by Paul and I, because we dominated. It's most accurate to say that the best time was had by the guy in the group behind us who hit the ball over the green on the par 4 10th with a hybrid wood (at almost into our group).
Phoenix is lovely this time of year. If you haven't tried it yet, I would really recommend it. There are a couple of hot days to come, but the past four or five months are the reason that we live here.
One bonus video: The Boss vs. The Round Mount of Rebound. We report, you decide.
Ha Ha (Nelson voice) Dad and Joey suck. Ben and Paul rule....for this game at least. I went to swing at some balls with Dad a few weekends ago. Get ready...cause soon I'll be joining your games and kicking eveeryone's ASS!! Love you!