Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Leah forgot that yesterday was our third wedding anniversary. I think she remembered when I brought out the special carrot cupcakes that I'd made (from scratch) with the three candles on it while singing "Happy Birthday" to our marriage.

It seems that the shoe is on the other foot, huh, society?


  1. Congrats! Wow, 3--I'll make a note that 3 is the carrot cupcake anniversary. For some reason I thought you guys were on 2--time flies when you're happily married, huh? Also--thanks for the tip on the online grading. I've heard of something like this but haven't looked into yet. I will. Love to Leah (and Daisy).

  2. yeah...didn't you get married in 07? far be it from me to question your marriage, but...didn't you? or am i crazy?

  3. Yeah! Bonnie and I were talking w/ Yvonne today... you got married a few months before we did... and we're only about to have anniversary 2. I know you guys don't do daylight savings time in AZ... but I didn't realize the consequences of that were so flight of the navigator.
