Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For Mr. & Mrs. Clearwater

Happy almost 2nd anniversary.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c


  1. see why i only eat chicken. im trying to make my carbon footprint smaller.

  2. We saw this interview, and we were excited! We're going to get that book. Mike says: yeast waffles. You and Leah should make them and eat them. They're good.

  3. @ BER: I make them all the time. I made them literally on Sunday morning. I'm interested in making pancakes from the batter (which he reccommends).

    I think I've made the "overnight waffles" so often now that I don't even need the recipe to put it together (though Saturday night I forgot to add the butter and had to fold it in the next morning.
