Friday, April 3, 2009


Thursday night is dinner at Grandma's house. It's one of my favorite nights of the week because I love spending time with my family and I don't have to cook (although I do have to do dishes!). Grandma made some wonderful, meaty pork ribs and some beans and a bunch of other good stuff, and a good time was had by all.

Grandma lives maybe 6 or 7 miles away from our house, and we're usually done with dinner before 8 p.m. After we left, we were driving home on our usual route, and we're looking to turn right onto Alma School road. The person in front of us turns on his blinker to get into the center lane just as he's entering the intersection. He brakes to a stop maybe 10 feet in front of the intersection.

Now, I have opinions about other people's driving. I can't stand that woman who was putting on eyeshadow while driving down Warner on Monday morning. I got cut off by a guy eating a Cup O' Noodles while he was merging onto the Loop 101. But I usually restrain myself from using my horn, because I know that we all get a little iffy, especially early in the morning or during afternoon drive time.

But this guy was making a dangerous, unnecessary maneuver in the middle of a busy intersection. The right lane was not a right-turn only lane, and the light was green. So I let him know that I did not appreciate his decision-making.

Immediately after completing my right-hand turn? Berries in the rear-view window. I'm right in front of Mimi's Cafe, so I pull up to the nearest turn-in (in front of Fiesta Mall), and park. I pull out my license and my registration for the motorcycle cop. He comes up to the window and says, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"I can only assume it's because I honked my horn at that guy at the intersection."

"That's right. Was that guy in danger of causing an accident?"

"Yes, he'd breaked to a stop in the middle of a right-of-way intersection, and was merging into the center lane."

"Well, I didn't see that, because I was pulling into the right lane to pull you over. You know that a horn is only for emergencies, not to let someone know how you feel about their driving. Also, you totally ran a red light to get in to here."

"Well, I wasn't. And I guess I was too busy wondering why the heck I was getting pulled over."

"I'm going to let you off with a warning this time. Be careful."

"Thanks very much."

Really?! The Mesa Police Department doesn't have anything better to do than enforce etiquette at 8 p.m. on a Thursday night? Really? We're blocks from one of the most crime-stricken areas in the East Valley, and you're going to give me shit about a guy who was actually doing something illegal and dangerous? Really? Really?

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but that was stupid. Why don't you work on making sure that people aren't driving 35 in a 45 down Dobson Road like they always do, officer?

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