Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Day of School

I had my first class of the new semester this morning. It was way out at the Williams Campus, but that place is really cool. When I was wandering around looking for Campus Security, I found out that the school has a hangar (it's right next to Williams Gateway Airport), and there's a helicopter in there. Maybe I'll come early one day and take a joy ride.

I'm watching the Inauguration right now. It's pretty great. Also, I found my digital camera cord! I'm posting some pictures. Last night, when I was making beef stir fry for dinner, I cut the top off a bell pepper and look what I found inside. It's not the Virgin Mary, but it's pretty exciting.

I also got a haircut. Have a nice day.


  1. Ben,
    your haircut sucks.

  2. It looks just like you. Have a nice day, too.

  3. "Maybe I'll come early one day and take a joy ride."

    For your birthday, I'll give you a coupon for free lessons.

  4. I'm testing the new email I set up JUST so I can leave you harassing comments on your blog. Love you!
